Nearly a year ago I got into a Twitter dialogue with Guy Kawasaki (@guykawasaki)) about the topic of philanthropy on I started my conversation with Guy when Alltop launched the nonprofit category. I was disappointed to find that “philanthropy” didn’t generate its own category. Instead, a search for philanthropy directs you to the following subject categories: Corporate Responsibility, Good, Human Rights, Nonprofit, and Social Entrepreneurship. OK, I can accept those. But Squidoorati, Forbes, and Toyota seem a bit bizarre. Clicking on the Good link on the top menu bar brings up Nonprofit as a link. But those blogs posts are a combination of nonprofit management, marketing, fundraising, and philanthropy — not ones exclusively focused on philanthropy as the subject.
From Blog Photos My argument then and now with Guy and Alltop was that philanthropy in its various forms — nonprofit, corporate, government (to a limited extent) and individual giving — does not fit neatly under any of those categories. Instead, I recommended that Alltop set up a separate category. Guy responded by asking me to pull together an appropriate list of at least 25 active blogs (i.e., ones that have published posts within the past 28 days) that focus on philanthropy, which I submitted for inclusion. Unfortunately, Alltop never did set up the separate category. In the past few months, especially with the explosion of traffic on Twitter and helpful posts like Kris Putnam-Walkerly’s synthesis of foundations that tweet, more and more of these web sites have become noticeable. I’ve combed through my own RSS feeds and pulled together suggestions from several philanthropy-oriented people on Twitter (@p2173, @tactphil, @philanthropy, and @bsttrach) and pulled together the following list of 40 blogs. What other blogs would you add to this list?
Asian American Giving
Capital Epiphanies
Cause Global: Social Media for Social Change
Charity Navigator Blog
Chronicle of Philanthropy: Give & Take
Chronicle of Philanthropy: Government and Politics Watch
Community Foundation of the National Capital Region Blog
eJewish Philanthropy
Future Leaders in Philanthropy
Gift Hub Blog
Inside Philanthropy
It’s Your World
Ken’s Commentary
New Voices of Philanthropy
Nonprofit and Foundation Advocacy Blog
onPhilanthropy: Buzz
Philanthropy 2173
Philanthropy Action
Philanthropy Front and Center
Pioneering Ideas
Robert Egger: One Voice for Change
Sasha Dichter’s Blog
Stanford Social Innovation Review: Opinion
Tactical Philanthropy
The Case Foundation
The Civic Fabric
The Cohen Report
The Communication Network Blog
The Fundermentalist
The GiveWell Blog
The Nonprofiteer
The Philanthropic Family
Thought > Action > Impact: An e-journal of Philanthropic Ideas
VA£U€$ – The Blog
Washington Grantmakers Daily
White Courtsey Telephone
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